210 2896932 paidagogiko@aspete.gr
Klada Nektaria

Klada Nektaria

Lecturer Department of Education School of Pedagogical &Technological Education (ASPETE) e-mail: nklada-at-aspete.gr Studies 1999: Master of the University of Athens «Theory of Teaching and Evaluation», grade 9,18 1995: Graduate of the Department of Philosophy,...

Kounenou Κalliopie

Professor Department of Education School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) e-mail: kkounen-at-aspete.gr https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=zQ4QjFgAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao Education 1993: B.Sc. in Psychology, Psychology Department,...

Kourmousi Nantia

Laboratory Teaching Staff Department of Education School of Pedagogical & Technological Education e-mail: nkourmousi-at-aspete.gr Education Doctoral Diploma in Health Education by the Preschool Education Department the University of Ioannina. Master’s Degree...
Larentzaki Ekaterini †

Larentzaki Ekaterini †

Lecturer Department of Education School of Pedagogical and Technological Education e-mail: alarentzaki-at-aspete.gr Education 1994: BA Philosophy, Education & Psychology with Specialization in Psychology, School of Philosophy, Psychology sector, National...