210 2896932 paidagogiko@aspete.gr

Department of Education

School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE)

The Department


Undergraduate Courses


Postgraduate Programs

Inter-Institutional Programs

Academic Staff

Meet our People

Welcome to the Website of the Department of Education of ASPETE

The Website provides useful information about the academic and administrative structure of the Department, its mission and objectives. It also provides information on students, curricula and courses offered, staff academic and research interests and collaboration opportunities.

Research Labs

Advanced Technologies for e-Learning Design

The Laboratory "Advanced Technologies for e-Learning Design" (eLearningDesign)  focuses on interdisciplinary research and teaching on issues related to technology-enhanced learning and online learning. The eLearningDesign Lab pursues research on...

Physics Lab

The Laboratory of Physics has the dual mission of: (a) training the undergraduate students of our School in a series of educational experiments, in accordance to the course of Physics, taught in the first and second semester, and (b) providing the environment and...

Postgraduate Programs

“Educational Applications with STEM Epistemology”

“Digital Transformation and Educational Practice”

Research labs

Postgraduate programs

Useful Links



e-Secretariat for Educators