210 2896932 paidagogiko@aspete.gr
Papanikolaou Kyparisia

Papanikolaou Kyparisia

Professor Department of Education School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) e-mail: kpapanikolaou-at-aspete.gr Homepage Education BSc in Computer Science, Dpt. of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens...
Pavlou Evanthia

Pavlou Evanthia

Lecturer Department of Education School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) e-mail: epavlou-at-aspete.gr
Psycharis Sarantos

Psycharis Sarantos

Professor Department of Education School of Pedagogical and Technological education e-mail: spsycharis at aspete.gr, spsycharis@gmail.com Personal page: http://users.aspete.gr/spsycharis/ ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS PhD Doctor of Philosophy October 1985 – February 1989...
Advanced Technologies for e-Learning Design

Advanced Technologies for e-Learning Design

The Laboratory “Advanced Technologies for e-Learning Design” (eLearningDesign)  focuses on interdisciplinary research and teaching on issues related to technology-enhanced learning and online learning. The eLearningDesign Lab pursues research on...