210 2896932 paidagogiko@aspete.gr
Kalogridi Sofia

Kalogridi Sofia

Laboratory Teaching Staff Department of Education School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) e-mail: s.kalogridi-at-aspete.gr Personal Webpage: blogs.sch.gr/sokalogrid Studies 1983: Degree in Political Sciences, Panteion University. 1985: Degree in...
Kalouri Ourania

Kalouri Ourania

Professor Department of Education School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) e-mail: rkalouri-at-aspete.gr Education Training in HR Management for trainers of public administration executives, Hellenic Open University, Athens, Greece PhD in Education...
Kantonidou Maria

Kantonidou Maria

Assistant Professor Department of Education School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) e-mail: mkant-at-aspete.gr Webpage: http://users.aspete.gr/kantonidou Education B.A. in English Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of...
Kasimati Katerina

Kasimati Katerina

Emeritus Professor Department of Education School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) e-mail: kasimati-at-aspete.gr Education 1975-1980 Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece 1986-1992 Postgradute scholar, Education Studies,...
Kechrakos Dimitris

Kechrakos Dimitris

Professor Department of Education School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) e-mail: dkehrakos-at-aspete.gr Homepage: http://users.aspete.gr/dkehrakos Education 1985 : B.Sc. in Physics, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens, GR 1989 : PhD in Theoretical...