Gkiastas Ioannis
Lecturer Department of Education School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) e-mail: igkiastas-at-aspete.gr Education 1990: B.Sc in Mathematics, School of Sciences, University of Patras 1995: Maîtrise en Psychologie, University: Paris V, René...
Gomatos Leonidas
Professor Department of Education School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) e-mail: igomatos-at-aspete.gr Education 1984 : Diploma of Mechanical engineering , National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), GR 1986 : Certificate of Pedagogical...
Iakovidis Georgios
Emeritus Professor Department of Education School of Pedagogical and Technological education e-mail: iakovidisg51-at-yahoo.gr Studies 1979 Cologne University of Applied Sciences 1979 international Strategic Management. MInistry of Economics (Germany) 1982 Darmstadt...