210 2896932 paidagogiko@aspete.gr
Computation Materials Science

Computational Materials Science – Dimitris Kechrakos, Assistant Professor

Current research activities include:

  • Magnetic Hysteresis and Relaxation in Nanostructured Materials: Nanoparticles, Quantum Dots. Methods: Monte Carlo Simulations, Magnetization Dynamics using Landau-Lifshittz-Gilbert and Langevin Equations.
  • Ballistic electric charge and Spin Transport in nanostructures (Spintronics). Methods: Kubo-Greenwood Landauer Method andGreen functions.
  • Phonon Scattering and Heat Transport at Insulator or Semiconductor Interfaces and Nanostructures. Kapitza Effect. Method: Lattice Dynamics using Green Function Methods. Molecular Dynamics.

Our present computer resources consist of a cluster of five (5) nodes with Ιntel Quad @ 3GHz and 4GB RAM each and one (1) Intel i7 @ 2.66GHz with 6GB RAM. The cluster consists of twenty four (24) processors in total and runs under Opensuse 11.3
