210 2896932 paidagogiko@aspete.gr

Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό

Moundridou Maria

Assistant Professor

Department of Education
School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE)

e-mail: mariam-at-aspete.gr
Homepage: http://users.aspete.gr/mariam/


  • 1996 : B.Sc. in Informatics, Dept. of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, GR
  • 2002 : PhD in Informatics, Dept. of Informatics, University of Piraeus, GR


  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHS), ITS and AHS Authoring Tools
  • Web-based educational systems and applications
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • User Modelling


  • E-school (University of Piraeus, 2002-2004)
  • Information Systems Development Methodologies (University of Piraeus: Joint Postgraduate Programme in “Health Services Management & Administration-Health Informatics”, 2002-2005)
  • Informatics, Procedural Programming, Databases (Hellenic Air Force Technical NCO Academy, 2002-2007)
  • Informatics (Hellenic Army Academy, 2003-2004)
  • Computers, Introduction to Computer Science (Hellenic Air Force Academy, 2005-2007)
  • Informatics and Education (Hellenic Open University, 2007-2008)
  • Computer Applications in Education (ASPETE, 2006-)
  • Distance Education (ASPETE: Joint Postgraduate Programme in cooperation with the Univ. of Athens in “Subjects Didactics and New Technologies”, 2006-)
  • Educational Technology-Multimedia (ASPETE, 2006-)

Selected Publications

  1. Virvou, and M. Moundridou, “A Web-based authoring tool for Algebra-related Intelligent Tutoring Systems”, Educational Technology & Society 3(2), 61-70 (2000)
  2. M. Virvou, and M. Moundridou, “Adding an instructor modelling component to the architecture of ITS authoring tools”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 12, 185-211 (2001)
  3. M. Moundridou, and M. Virvou, “Evaluating the persona effect of an interface agent in a tutoring system”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 18(3), 253-261 (2002)
  4. M. Moundridou, and M. Virvou, “Analysis and design of a Web-based authoring tool generating Intelligent Tutoring Systems”, Computers & Education 40(2), 157-181 (2003)
  5. M. Moundridou, and A. Kalinoglou, “Using LEGO Mindstorms as an Instructional Aid in Technical and Vocational Secondary Education: Experiences from an Empirical Case Study”, In: Dillenbourg, P. & Specht,
  6. M. (Eds.): Times of Convergence: Technologies across learning contexts, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5192, Springer-Verlag, 312–321 (2008)