210 2896932 paidagogiko@aspete.gr

Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό

Kasimati Katerina

Emeritus Professor

Department of Education
School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE)

e-mail: kasimati-at-aspete.gr


  • 1975-1980 Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece
  • 1986-1992 Postgradute scholar, Education Studies, Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology, University of Athens, Greece
  • 1990-1994 Ph.D Τ Education Studies, Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology, University of Athens, Greece


  • Assessment in Education, Contemporary didactics, authentic learning, Math Didactics.
  • Teacher training (all levels) in Contemporary Didactics, Technology in Didactics/Teaching, Assessment in Education, Didactics of Mathematics; Educators education.
  • Implementation of training – research projects in Education


  • Assessment in Education, Teaching Methodology, Didactics of Vocational Courses (ASPETE,2002-)
  • “Assessment” “Methods of Teaching”, Supervision of Teaching Exercises (SELETE 1997-2002)
  • «Theory, Practice and Assessment of Teaching» (MSc, University of Athens, 2004-2008),
  • «Assessment in Education» ((MSc, University of Athens, 2005-2009)
  • “Teaching and Learning” «International Perspectives of Vocational Practice in Education» (« ΜΑ in Education» ASPETE,–Roehampton, 2009-)
  • “Pre-mathematical concepts in Kindergarten” (University of Athens 2000-2009)
  • «Field Didactics ΙΙΙ», «Pedagogical Studies» (University of Athens, 1994-1997)

Selected Publications

  1. Anastasios (Tasos) Barkatsas , Katerina Kasimatis , Vasilis Gialamas (2008) Learning secondary mathematics with technology: Exploring the complex interrelationship between students’ attitudes, engagement, gender and achievement. Computers and Education 52, 2009, pp. 562-570
  2. Vasilis Gialamas,Anastasios (Tasos) Barkatsas,Katerina Kasimatis (2008). Secondary students’ views regarding the use of computers in mathematics learning: Exploring the engagement-gender-achievement nexus. In W.C.Yang,M. Majweski T.De Alwis & K. Khairiree (Eds). Enhancing Understanding and constructing Knowledge in Mathematics with Technology, Proceedings of the Thirteen Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics. Bangkok, Thailand: Suan Shunanda Rajabhat University.
  3. Tsiros Χ., Kasimati Κ. (2009). Educating the adult educator: a tool f self-assessment of quality of is educational work and detection of his instructive skills . In Educating the adult educator: Quality provision and assessment in Europe ESREA|ReNAdET e-Book Conference Proceedings (code number ED5084750).
  4. Barkatsas A., Gialamas V., Karageorgos D. & Kasimatis K. (1998). Students’ Mathematics performance and their Attitude towards the Learning of Mathematics: An Attempt to explore their relationship”. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 6 (1), 23-45.
  5. Kasimati katerina (2005). H επιμόρφωση των εκπαιδευτικών στις αρχές της θεωρίας κατασκευής της γνώσης (constructivism) με στόχο τη δόμηση της κοινωνίας της γνώσης. Ευκλείδης γ’, 63, 90-102. [Kasimati Katerina [2005] Teacher training in the principles of constructivism in view of the society of knowledge]
  6. Kasimati katerina (2006). H δόμηση των πρώτων μαθηματικών εννοιών μέσω της διαθεματικής προσέγγισης της γνώσης. Σύγχρονο Νηπιαγωγείο,49,98-107 [Kasimati Katerina (2006) Construction of first mathematical concepts through the interdisciplinary approach of knowledge]