210 2896932 paidagogiko@aspete.gr

Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό

Aslanidou Sofia

Emeritus Professor

Department of Education
School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE)

Tel.: +30 2310 889205,833708
e-mail: saslanidou-at-aspete.gr
Homepage: https://saslan.wordpress.com/


  • 1979 . Master of Theology in University of Thessaloniki
  • 1982. Diploma of pedagogy in Catholic Institut of Paris
  • 1983. Master of Sciences of Education in Univ. “PARIS VIII”
  • 1985 DEA in Univ. of “PARIS VIII’’ title of thesis: “Semiotic analysis of television news”
  • 1998: Phd. in Univ “Paris VIII”. (Supervisor : Professor Genevieve Jacquinot Title of thesis : «the reception of television news by the Greek high school students”


  • 1985-1988 German High school of Thessaloniki
  • 1988-1989 Educational Institute of Thechnology
  • 1990-1991 University of Thessaly (Volos)
  • 1988-2022 Higher School of Pedagogical Technological Education in Thessaloniki

Selected Publications

  1. Aslanidou S. “Grammar of word and grammar of image”, in Filologos 54, 1988
  2. Aslanidou S. “Semiotic analysis of advertising poster”, in Filologos 59, 1990
  3. Aslanidou S. “From the book to the computer”, Ekpedeftika 36, 1994,
  4. Aslanidou S. “Evolution and change in the role and of educational TV”, Pedagogikos Logos N° 1, 1996.
  5. Aslanidou S. : “The news item: a different parameter in teaching the language”, Paper presented at the Conference on “teaching the Greek language”, University of Thessaloniki,1996
  6. “Aslanidou S. “Teaching with TV or teaching by TV”, Paper presented at the Conference on “l avenir du français dans une Europe pluriculturelle”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , 1996 Aslanidou S. “Media Education and Technology”, in Pedagogikos logos N° 3, 1997.
  7. 8 Aslanidou S. “The media, the teenagers and the television news”, in Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies N° 1vol. 5, 2000.
  8. Aslanidou S. “Greek high school students and the television news”, International forum of researchers 26/29, November 2000, Sydney,
  9. Aslanidou S :“Seeking the TV viewers”, Paper presented at the Conference on “Media and Education” organized by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus and the Cypriot Association of Journalists, 2002
  10. Aslanidou S: “The discursive competences of news presenter in Greece”, in Communication N°2 vol. 21, 2002. University of Laval ,Canada
  11. Aslanidou S :“Educating the TV viewer through the TV: a case study of TV broadcasting”, in “Icon and Child” organized by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (27-29 Septembre 2002)
  12. Aslanidou S: “ the evolution of research on TV” in virtual School, vol 3 ,Issue1, 2002
  13. Aslanidou S: “Multidisciplinairy lecture on TV script: a contribution on the formulation of TV viewer” in Communication N° 1, Vol 24, ed Note Bene, University, Laval Canada 2005
  14. Aslanidou S “ Sixteen years of training teachers in media education in Greece: the case of Aspete” in Des jeunes et des medias en Europe , ed L’ Harmattan 2008
  15. Aslanidou S, & Ikonomou A ” Youth and Internet: use and practice at School “ in 5th Greek ETPE, 2006
  16. Aslanidou S & Menexes G “Youth and Internet : Uses and practice in the home” in Computers and Education, Elsevier CAE, 1171, 2008
  17. Aslanidou S, & Ikonomou A “Youth Communication on SMS « in 6th congres of ETPE, Greece
  18. Aslanidou S “The uses of new medias by the youth of greek teenagers : the case of internet” in Observatorio Vol,3 Issue 4, 2010
  19. «The use of facebook in the secondary education in Greece» ( Καλύβα Ελένη&Ασλανιδουl) (http://synedrio.edu.gr) 2016