Emeritus Professor
Department of Education
School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE)
Tel.: +30 2310 889205,833708
e-mail: saslanidou-at-aspete.gr
Homepage: https://saslan.wordpress.com/
- 1979 . Master of Theology in University of Thessaloniki
- 1982. Diploma of pedagogy in Catholic Institut of Paris
- 1983. Master of Sciences of Education in Univ. “PARIS VIII”
- 1985 DEA in Univ. of “PARIS VIII’’ title of thesis: “Semiotic analysis of television news”
- 1998: Phd. in Univ “Paris VIII”. (Supervisor : Professor Genevieve Jacquinot Title of thesis : «the reception of television news by the Greek high school students”
- 1985-1988 German High school of Thessaloniki
- 1988-1989 Educational Institute of Thechnology
- 1990-1991 University of Thessaly (Volos)
- 1988-2022 Higher School of Pedagogical Technological Education in Thessaloniki
Selected Publications
- Aslanidou S. “Grammar of word and grammar of image”, in Filologos 54, 1988
- Aslanidou S. “Semiotic analysis of advertising poster”, in Filologos 59, 1990
- Aslanidou S. “From the book to the computer”, Ekpedeftika 36, 1994,
- Aslanidou S. “Evolution and change in the role and of educational TV”, Pedagogikos Logos N° 1, 1996.
- Aslanidou S. : “The news item: a different parameter in teaching the language”, Paper presented at the Conference on “teaching the Greek language”, University of Thessaloniki,1996
- “Aslanidou S. “Teaching with TV or teaching by TV”, Paper presented at the Conference on “l avenir du français dans une Europe pluriculturelle”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , 1996 Aslanidou S. “Media Education and Technology”, in Pedagogikos logos N° 3, 1997.
- 8 Aslanidou S. “The media, the teenagers and the television news”, in Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies N° 1vol. 5, 2000.
- Aslanidou S. “Greek high school students and the television news”, International forum of researchers 26/29, November 2000, Sydney,
- Aslanidou S :“Seeking the TV viewers”, Paper presented at the Conference on “Media and Education” organized by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus and the Cypriot Association of Journalists, 2002
- Aslanidou S: “The discursive competences of news presenter in Greece”, in Communication N°2 vol. 21, 2002. University of Laval ,Canada
- Aslanidou S :“Educating the TV viewer through the TV: a case study of TV broadcasting”, in “Icon and Child” organized by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (27-29 Septembre 2002)
- Aslanidou S: “ the evolution of research on TV” in virtual School, vol 3 ,Issue1, 2002
- Aslanidou S: “Multidisciplinairy lecture on TV script: a contribution on the formulation of TV viewer” in Communication N° 1, Vol 24, ed Note Bene, University, Laval Canada 2005
- Aslanidou S “ Sixteen years of training teachers in media education in Greece: the case of Aspete” in Des jeunes et des medias en Europe , ed L’ Harmattan 2008
- Aslanidou S, & Ikonomou A ” Youth and Internet: use and practice at School “ in 5th Greek ETPE, 2006
- Aslanidou S & Menexes G “Youth and Internet : Uses and practice in the home” in Computers and Education, Elsevier CAE, 1171, 2008
- Aslanidou S, & Ikonomou A “Youth Communication on SMS « in 6th congres of ETPE, Greece
- Aslanidou S “The uses of new medias by the youth of greek teenagers : the case of internet” in Observatorio Vol,3 Issue 4, 2010
- «The use of facebook in the secondary education in Greece» ( Καλύβα Ελένη&Ασλανιδουl) (http://synedrio.edu.gr) 2016