Our Identity
The Department of Education belongs to the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE). It was founded in 2002, with the founding Law of ASPETE (Law 3027, Government Announcement 152, issue AD, article 4) as a General Department of Pedagogical Courses. In 2013 it was renamed the Department of Education (Presidential Decree 101/2013, Government Gazette 135 / Α / 5-6-2013).
The mission of the Department of Education is to contribute to education and research in the fields of Education Sciences and Positive Sciences.
- provides a high level of education in the Undergraduate Departments of ASPΕTE, in order for their students to complete their parallel education as engineers and teachers,
- supports the Annual Pedagogical Training Program (EPPAIK) in which approximately 2,500 graduates of Higher Education participate each academic year,
- Supports the Specialization Program in Counseling and Orientation in which approximately 500 Higher Education graduates participate each academic year,
- operates five research laboratories,
- designs and implements Postgraduate Programs in collaboration with other Universities,
- designs and implements teacher training programs.
The members of the Department of Education participate in National and International Research and Development Programs, strengthening their extroversion as members of various networks, collaborating in educational activities with community organizations and developing international scientific collaborations.