Department of Education
School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE)
- Training in HR Management for trainers of public administration executives, Hellenic Open University, Athens, Greece
- PhD in Education sciences, Université de Caen Normandie, France (supervisor : Prof. Mialaret)
- D.E.A., Psychology and education sciences, Université de Caen Normandie, France
- Training in Guidance, counseling and career counseling, Institut national d’étude du travail et d’orientation professionnelle (INETOP), Paris, France
- Maîtrise, Pedagogical sciences, Université de Caen Normandie, France
- BA, Faculty of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Research interests
- Education sciences
- Counseling and career counseling
- Educational and developmental psychology
- Adult education
- Lifelong learning and counseling
- Aesthetics education – Education through art
- Intercultural education
- History of education
- Education and technology
Teaching experience
- Professor, Department of Education, School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE): Education sciences, Guidance and counseling, Athens, Greece
- Director, MA Counseling and Guidance, School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE), Athens, Greece
- Visiting professor, MA in Counseling and Professional Guidance, Frederick University, Cyprus
- Visiting Professor, Masters and Phd program in Education sciences, Université Catholique de l’Ouest – UCO, Angers, France
- Lecturer, MA Counseling and career guidance, Faculty of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- Lecturer, MA Teaching French as a foreign language, Hellenic Open University, Athens, Greece
- Program chair, Specialization program in counseling and guidance, School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE), Athens, Greece
- Tenure committee member in various Greek universities and in Université Catholique de l’Ouest – UCO in France
- Doctoral committee member (Greece and France)
Selected Publications
- Kalouri Ο., Proskolli, Α. (2008). L’enseignement du français à l’école primaire, Unité 1, Théories du Développement sociocognitif et psycholinguistique de l’enfant, [Καλούρη: Le développement psycho-socio-affectif de l’enfant ], Patra, ΕΑΠ.
- Tsergas N., Kalouri O.[R]., Fragkos S. (2021). Role-Playing as a Method of Teaching Social Sciences to Limit Bias and Discrimination in the School Environment, Journal of Education & Social Policy, ISSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jesp, Vol. 8, No. 2; June 2021, DOI: 10.30845/jesp.v8n2p13 URL:
- Kalouri O. , Tsergas N., Botou A., Antonopoulou Q. (2021). Art Therapy and Counseling for Migrant and Refugee Children, Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities (JLAH) Issue: Vol. 2; No. 6; June 2021 (pp. 12-20), DOI: 10.48150/jlah.v2no6.2021.a3 ,
- Demetriou L., Kalouri O., Savva L. (2019). In it for the long haul: Early development of Career Management Skills in the Primary School System, Editor: Kamila Ludwikowska, Project Coordinator CABCIN Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
- Demetriou, L., Kalouri, R. (2018). Science Educators and Grief Counselling: Management Bereavement in the School Environnement, Proceedings, NPSE, p.p. 267-272, International Conference “New Perspectives in Science Education“, 7th Edition, Florence, Italy, 22 – 23 March 2018
- Stampoltzis, A., Tsitsou E., Plesti H., Kalouri R., (2017)., Personal, educational and psychological characteristics of university students with dyslexia and matched controls: a pilot study, Innovative Practice in Higher Education, vol. 3 (1), April 2017, p. 91-107.
- Botou A., Mylonakou-Keke I., Kalouri O., Tsergas N., (2017), Primary School Teacher’s Resilience during the Economic Crisis in Greece, Psychology, 2017, 8, 131-159,
- Kalouri O., Kontzinou I. (2020). The development of “hope” on students as a pedagogical skill of the teacher, in Ludwikowska K., Bienkowska A., Tworek K. (ed.), Capacity Building in Higher Education Institutions, Warsaw, Difin SA.
- Demetriou L., Kalouri O. (2019), Parental Effectiveness and School Counselling in Elementary Education, Proceedings International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education, Milan, Italy